The chrome plated Vapir Vapormatic Deluxe Vaporizer looks like an old-school toaster but is actually a high-tech electronic vaporizer. The Vapir Vapormatic Deluxe Vaporizer has digital temperature controls and fan speed control, giving you ultimate control over the vaporization process.
All Vapir vaporizers use an innovative "cartridge" system to hold the herb when it is loaded into the machine. The Vapir Vapormatic Deluxe Vaporizer features a "disk drive" type slot that pops open. You just load the filled cartridge, power on, turn up the heat, and wait a few seconds for the vapor to start flowing. You can either fill a vapor balloon or just use the vinyl hose.
Vapir Vapormatic Deluxe Vaporizers are usually available for sale on eBay. Look below to see today's best deals on Vapir Vapormatic Deluxe Vaporizers from eBay.
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